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Report on Paper Writing
Date:2018-11-09   View:
Delivered by Prof Ming Dong
On the 31 March 2017 Prof Ming Dong, a Chinese professor based in the United States of America delivered a powerful presentation on how to write a scientific paper for publication in top journals. The presentation started on schedule at about 9:05am. The professor took us through the step by step methods in writing scientific papers. He made very salient points such as money should not be our motivation for doing research. He also said we should have mile stones, in order to track our progress of work. In addition, the quality of a scientific paper is more important than the quantity of the research. Also, he said we should have the right attitude in doing research and shouldn’t just think about the rejection of our papers. We were also taken through how to write good conference papers and how to get top conferences in our research fields especially in computer science to be able to submit our papers.
He explained why understanding a paper very well before conducting experiment is important. We were also educated that experiments can be performed based on standard algorithms. We were also enlightened on how to propose a solution and compare to other people’s frame works. To be able to write a good paper, we need the theoretical framework to back our works. All codes released must be cited in conference proceeding. We were advised to make our contribution to research field by innovations and finding solution to the problems in our research fields. In writing introduction, the research work should be highlighted. We were told to review some articles when writing our introductions. The Prof lectured us on things we do that can lead to our papers being rejected: if our experiment do not support our work; if there is no innovation in the research; making incorrect statements in the write-up. Lecturers in attendance were Prof Mou and Prof Zing the secretary.

The presentation by Prof Ming Dong enlightened us very much.

1. The number of students present was not encouraging. (due to clash lectures)
2. When it comes to questions and answers our colleagues the Chinese students do not like asking questions. Only foreign students do ask question.
3. Some of the Chinese students do not pay attention to the presentation
4. The presentation was more tailored towards computer science.

1. The various supervisors should prompt their students to attend these very important lectures.
2. The time of such presentation should be planned such that it wouldn’t clash with other lectures.
3. The Chinese students should not feel shy but ask questions
4. Before the start of such seminars students should be advised to listen and stop fidgeting with their phones.
5. Since we have some students offering telecommunication, they should be considered in inviting professors for the presentations.
Report written by:
 Adjardjah Winfred.
 Leader of Computer Science Dept.

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