Supervisors--Master Supervisors  
Service Computing and Software system  
Hebiao Yang
Name Hebiao Yang
Title and Position Software Engineering Department Head/Professor
Research Interests Research interests include Software Engineering, Software Architecture, Data Mining, Information System , Technique & Application of Database.
Office Phone 0511-88780375-433
E-mail yhbjj@ujs.edu.cn
Curriculum Vitae
University Graduate in Department of Mathmatics, Nanjing University, JiangSu, China. BS. Degree Jul. 1982
Teaching and research achievements
1) Software System Design, for master students
2) System Analysis & Design , for master students
3) ISAS, for undergraduate students
4) Requirements Engineering, for undergraduate students
5) The Integration of ERP System, for undergraduate students
6) Object-Oriented Analysis & Design using UML, for undergraduate students
Professional Activities
1) Member of committee of Grid and Service Computing, JiangSu Computer Society
2) Government Procurement Evaluation Expert , Zhenjiang City,Jiang Su Province
3) Expert of Talent Tank of School and Enperprise Alliance, JiangSu Technology Service Society
Selected research Projects since 2000
1) Data Mining System for Medical Insurance, Enterprise Cooperation ,2011
2) Remote Medical Treatment Settlement System of Medical Insurance, Enterprise Cooperation ,2011
3) The Medicare Card Demonstration Project for Migrant Worker,Farmers and Unlocal Residents. Fund of Provincial Science and Technology Project –Social Development(BE2009609).2009 - 2011
4) 2) The Sustainable Development Strategy of JiangSu Chemical Industry Business in new period. Fund of Key Project of Jiangsu Economic and Information Technology Commission(JX001).2009 - 2010
5) The R&D of Support Platform for business cooperation between enterprises based on Value Network. Fund of 863 of China(2007AAOZ1B2).2007 - 2009
6) The data mining technology and its Platform for the field of Medical Insurance Fraud Violations. Fund of Provincial High-Tech Research(BG2007028).2007 – 2009
7) Medical Image Classification based on data mining. Fund of National Natural Science Foundation of China(60572112). 2006–2008.
8) Network-oriented manufacturing enterprise model.Fund of Key Project of Provincial Science and Technology (BC2004001). 2004–2005
9) Manufacturing ERP modeling and R&D of the conversion tools. Fund of 863 of China (2003AA414030 Sub-project). 2003–2005
10) The complex authorization mechanism in distriuted enterprise information system. Fund of 863 of China (2003AA414030 Sub-project) . 2003–2005.
11) Information integration system R&D of discrete Manufacturing and its application in switch industry. Fund of 863 of China (2004AA411020). 2004–2005
12) ERP Management System of Jiangsu Far Eest Package Company. Commission,Contract(2002076). 2002-2003
13) Basic Medical Insurance Information Managerment System of Puyang City. Commission,Contract(200106). 2001-2002
14) The Medical Insurance Information System of Dongfeng Motor Corporation. Commission,Contract(2000178). 2000-2001
15) Public Health Security and Control System. Commission,Contract(2004003).2003-2004
16) Civil servant subsidize medical insurance information system of Puyang City. Commission,Contract(2004004). 2003-2004.
17) Medical Insurance Management Information System of Danyang City. Commission,Contract(2002034). 2002-2004.
18) Medical Insurance Integrated system of Jurong City. Commission,Contract(2005179). 2005- 2006.
19) Medical Insurance Integrated system of Danyang City. Commission,Contract(2000716). 2005. -2006.
20) Supplementary Medical Insurance Management Information System of Puyang City. Commission,Contract(2004232). 2000-2001
21) Development and Research of Autonomous Learning Platform for Graduate student, Teaching Reform,2008
22) Database of Curriculum Experimental Teaching Reform and Research on the Supporting Platform, Teaching Reform,2007
Selected Journal Papers since 2005
1) YANG He-biao; SHI Xiao-li.Anomaly detection model of clinical behavior based on probility distribution . Computer Engineering and Design, 2011(in Chinese)
2) YANG He-biao; SHI Yun.Rule-based Model Automatic Conversion Method., Computer Engineering, 2011(in Chinese).
3) YANG He-biao; LIU Ling; YANG Li-fan.A Study of the Automated Programming Assessment Model for SQL Based on Structure Similarity Matching.Computer Engineering & Science, 2010(in Chinese)
4) Yang HeBiao,Chen Kai.Study on the Software Collabration Framework Based on Internetware.Computer and Information Science,2010(in English).
5) YANG He-biao; XUE Yan-feng; FENG Jin-lan; SHEN Xiang-jun; WU Jing-li .Weighted K-means clustering algorithm based on Fisher’s linear discriminant ratio.Application Research of Computers, 2010(in Chinese)
6) YANG He-biao; Qiao Ye-Min. Component assembly model based on Petri net .(Ziran Kexue Ban)/Journal of Jiangsu University (Natural Science Edition),2010(in Chinese)
7) Yang He-biao,Hou Ren-gang,Tain Qing-hua. Research on Model Supporting Interface Automatic Generation. Computer Engineering and Applications,2010-2(in Chinese)
8) GuiJun,Yang Hebiao.Realization of EAI based on service-oriented architecture.ICEIT 2010 International Conference on Educational and Information Technology, Proceedings 2010
9) Yang Hebiao,Chen Li.Study on the static analysis and the similarity comparing of SQL code ..ICACTE 2010 3rd International Conference on Advanced Computer Theory and Engineering, Proceedings 2010
10) 2)YANG He-biao,QIAO Yi-min,DUAN Li.Study of business platform framework based on component and bus integration,Journal of Application Research of Computers, 2009-4(in Chinese)
11) 3)YANG He-biao,Chen Yu-Kun. A Novel Data Mining Paltform Design witn Dynamic Algoritithm Base ,Computer And Informatino Science, 2009-5(in English)
12) 4)YANG He-biao,Li Jun.Research and Design on Personalized Learning System Based on Mobile Agent. Journal of Convergence Information Technology, 2007-10(in English)
13) 5)YANG Hebiao,Liu Zhi Hong,MA Zhenhua.An Algorithm for Evaluating Impact of Requirement hange.Journal of Information and Computing Science,2007-2(in English)
14) 6)YANG Hebiao,MA Zhenhua,ZHANG Zhenbo.Study of Application Framework Extension Method Based on Component Model. Journal of Computer Engineering, 2006-17(in Chinese)
15) 7)YANG Hebiao,Zhang JianMing,Zhan YongZhao.A Model-Oriented Dynamic Architecture and Its Supporting System. International Journal of Computer Science and Network Security, 2006-6(in English)
16) 8)Yang Hebiao,Gong Longhui,Zhang Zhenbo. Research on Model Interoperability Based on MOF. Computer Engineering and Applications,2006-24(in Chinese)
17) 9)YANG He-biao,DING Yong,DU Jiang.Model design of domain oriented class library based on triple commune architecture ,Journal of Jiangsu University (National Science Edition), 2005-6(in Chinese)
18) 10)YANG HeBiao, CHEN Hua, XU XiangYing. Research on the Agent-Based Retrieval Technology and Its Application in CLMS. Computer Engineering & Science, 2005-3(in Chinese)
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Address:School of Computer Science and Communication Engineering JiangSu University ,ZhenJiang,JiangSu Province Post Code:212013   Tel:0511-88780371 Email:jsj@ujs.edu.cn