Jianming ZHANG

Name  Jianming Zhang
Title and Position  Professors  
Research Interests  Image Processing, Pattern Recognition, System Simulation, Virtual Reality
Office Phone  +86-511-88791220 
E-mail  zhjm@ujs.edu.cn 
Curriculum Vitae

1999-2005 Ph.D.Candidate in Department of Computer Engineering,Nanjing University of Science & Technology , Jiangsu, China. Ph. D Degree Jan.2005
1994-1997 Graduate Student in Computer Engineering, Jiangsu University of Science and Technology, Zhenjiang, Jiangsu, China. MS. Degree June 1997
1982-1986 Undergraduate Student in Mathematics, Nanjing University, Jiangsu, China. BS. Degree Jul. 1986

Teaching and research achievements

1) Computational Geometry, for doctoral students
2) Combinatorics, for master students
3) Computer Graphics, for master students
4) Discrete Mathematics, for undergraduate students
5) Computing Methods, for undergraduate students

Research achievements
1) Zhang Jian-ming, Chen Jun. Composing a aged facial image based-on multi-angled filters. Journal of Jigsu University (Natural Science Edition), 2009, 30(4): 392-395(EI)
2) ZHANG Jian-ming, YU Qun, WANG Liang-min. Geographical Location-based Scheme for Sybil Attacks Detection in Wireless Sensor Networks. Journal of System Simulation, 2008, 20(1):259-263(EI)
3) ZHANG Jian-ming, Zhang Pei. Mobile Agent Based Routing Protocol for Wireless Sensor Networks. Journal of Communication, 2007, 28(11A):93-97(EI
4) Jianming Zhang, Lifang Gu, et al. Reliable Transmission Method With Energy-awareness for Wireless Sensor Networks. IJCSNS International Journal of Computer Science and Network Security, 2006, 6(5B): 105-110.
5) Liang-min Wang, Jian-feng Ma, Jianming Zhang., Intrusion Model for Intrusion Tolerance System by Using Capabilities of Attackers, The Chinese Journal of Electronics, October 2006, 613-618. (SCI)
6) Liangmin Wang, Jianming Zhang, et al. E-μTESLA: An Efficient Broadcast Authentication Protocol for Wireless Sensor Network. Journal of Computational Information System. 2005, 1(3): 433-438 (EI)