Courses 1) Computer Network 2) Interface Programming in Communication Networks 3) Network Engineering Technology 4) Intrusion Detection Technology 5) Advanced Computer Networks Professional Activities Member of Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers(IEEE) Awards 1) The Second Prize of Teaching Achievement, Issued by Jiangsu Province Office of Education, 2000 2) The Good Courseware Prize in Multimedia Instruction, Issued by Jiangsu Province Office of Education, 2001 3) The First Prize in Multimedia Instruction, Issued by Jiangsu University, 2002 4) The Second Prize of Teaching Achievement, Issued by Jiangsu University, 2000 research Projects 1) Research on Autonomous Learning Teaching Design and Construction of the Design Platform,2011 annual issue of Jiangsu Province Institute of modern educational technology 2011.7-2012.12 2) The Network Instructional System for Data Structure, Jiangsu Province Office of Education, 2005.3-2005.12 3) Research on Computer Network Security Based on Pattern Recognition, Fund of National Natural Science Foundation of Jiangsu Province Office of Education, 2004.7-2005.12 4) Study on Complexity Authorization Mechanism for Distribute Enteprise Information System, National 863 Project,2004.2-2005.6 5) Study on Integrated Information System for Discrete Manufacturing Enterprise and Application in Switch Electric Industry, National 863 Project, 2004.10-2005.10 6) Computer Network Teaching Platform, Project of Jiangsu University in Educational Reform,2004.7-2005.12 7) Employment-based Construction of Computer Network Technical Course System , Project of Jiangsu University in Educational Reform,20009.6-20010.12 Selected Journal Papers since 2000 1) Zhou Lian-Ying, Liu Feng-Yu. Swarm-intelligence-based distributed intrusion detection system. Source: Nanjing Li Gong Daxue Xuebao/Journal of Nanjing University of Science and Technology, October 2006, v30, n 5, p 587-591. Language: Chinese 2) Zhou Lian-Ying, Liu Feng-Yu, Zhu Hao Cooperative Agent-based distributed intrusion detection system model. Source: Jiangsu Daxue Xuebao (Ziran Kexue Ban) / Journal of Jiangsu University (Natural Science Edition), March 2005, v 26, n2, p162-165. Language: Chinese 3) Zhou Lianying, Zhou Lin. The Effective Mechanism of Sharing Backup Resource Based One-to-One, Study on Optical Communications. 2010(4), p28-30 4) ZHOU Lian-yin, MU Xi. Design of home site based on electrical network mutil-protocol real-time monitor system, Computer Engineering and Design, 2008.7, v29, n14, p3788-3791 5) ZHOU LIANYING, WU QIAN, The Optimization for Route Maintenance of DSR Protocol, Microcomputer Information, 2008(3), p281-283 6) ZHOU LIANYING, JI JUN, Research of security of Mobile IP’s optimized Route, Microcomputer Information, 2007(33), p48-50 7) Zhou Lianying, Cao Dengyuan, Nian Yi. Analysis and Research of a Virtual Honeypot, Framework:Honeyd, Computer Engineering and Applications, 2005, v41, n27, p137-140. 8) Xu Jing; Feng Weicheng, Zhou Lianying, Sun Xiaoming. Research of new e-cash system based on partial blind signature. Source: Jisuanji Gongcheng/Computer Engineering, Oct 5 2006 v 32, n 19, p 157-158+175 Language: Chinese Selected refereed conference Papers since 1998 1) Lian-ying Zhou, Long-ji Sun. A P2P Resource Search Model Based on Ant Colony Optimization. the 2nd International Conference on Computer and Automation Engineering (ICCAE 2010), P433-436 2) Zhou Lianying , Ji Weiwe. A study on the application of WiMAX access technology in IPTV system Source:Conference Proceedings-The 2th International Conference on Networks Security, Wireless Communications and Trusted Computing, April 2010, V2, p 183-186 3) Lian-ying Zhou, Zhang Xiao. The research of VoD system performance based on CDN and P2P technologies. the 2nd International Conference on Computer and Automation Engineering (ICCAE 2010), P385-388 4) Zhou Lianying, Yang, Mingxin. A classifier build around cellular automata for distributed date mining. Proceedings - International Conference on Computer Science and Software Engineering, CSSE 2008, v 4, p312-315 5) Zhou Lianying, Liu, Fengyu; Wu, Jie. Research on co-operative computer network security technologies. Conference Proceedings - IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man and Cybernetics, SMC 2004, v 2, p 1164-1168 6) Zhou Lianying, Liu Fengyu. Research on computer network security based on pattern recognition. Source: Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man and Cybernetics, SMC 2003, v2, p1278-1283. 7) Lu Xiaobo, Zhou Lianying. A reliable dynamic source routing based cluster label in mobile ad hoc networks. Proceedings - 5th International Conference on Wireless Communications, Networking and Mobile Computing, WiCOM 2009 8) Chen Yingfeng, Zhou Lianying. An innovative IDS immune system model. Source: Conference Proceedings - IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man and Cybernetics, SMC 2004, v5, p4810-4814, 2004 9) Pingping Liu, Lianying Zhou. The research of adaptive network congestion control algorithm based on AQM. Source: Proceedings - 2009 International Forum on Information Technology and Applications, IFITA 2009, v 1, p 123-125, 2009, Proceedings - 2009 International Forum on Information Technology and Applications, IFITA 2009 |